Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Smoke or not? by Ram Arora

So, to smoke or not. Well, as most people think, to not smoke, is with me. I’m sorry bad people,(or at least what I think) but smoking is bad and not healthy for you. Smoking can damage the lungs, make your teeth yellow, make your face all wrinkly, and much, much more!!! You can also get a heart attack our heart cancer! And nobody wants that, don’t they? I mean, you can even die!!! And THAT is bad for sure!

Here are some more things that smoking can do to your body: bad vision, less appetite, yellow fingers when holding cigarette, smelly hair, lung cancer, blood clotting, heart disease, and MORE!!! And so, I think that smoking is bad for you, and I think that you should agree with me because if smoking was gone, we all would have a good, healthy, life and all. Of course we would, right?

Now, here are some people who have gotten badly injured or have even died by smoking! One person is Bryan Curtis. He started smoking when he was 15 and never realized that 20 years later he would die. A few other people are Gracie Allen, Stephen E. Ambrose, and Louis Armstrong. As I said, many people have died because of smoking. So we should all stop smoking. Right?

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